The growing consensus to commute sentences of elderly and infirm people - As in many jurisdictions, the Virgin Islands correctional system is plagued by a growing number of aging people whose medical expenses cost the Bureau of Corrections millions of dollars each year.

In Response to Josh Rovner’s Overview of Juvenile LWOP Rollbacks - Josh Rovner of the Sentencing Project published a May 2021 ”Juvenile life without parole: An Overview,” outlining recent litigation to protect youth rights in the criminal legal system.

Sunni Needs Our Help (A Poem) I am now 70-years-old. This coming September I will be 71, and will have been locked up for my 49th consecutive year in prison.

Hanif’s Habeas Petition Challenging Mainland Custody Denied In an effort to address one of the longstanding issues of the VI3 being held in prison in the mainland U.

The following letter was mailed to U.S. Virgin Island Senators in Light of the Risks of COVID-19.

Documentary, ‘The Skyjacker’s Tale’ Sheds Light on the VI3 through the Story of Former Codefendant The film recounts the hijacking that got Ishmael Labeet (now Ishmael Ali) to Cuba, re-examines the trial of him and his still incarcerated codefendants and, “reveals a gross miscarriage of justice.